

During the time of of Jesus,people believed that a person's infirmities were caused by his own sins or his parents' sinfulness.So, when the diciples saw a man born blind they asked Jesus whosed sin caused the blindness.But Jesus made it clearly that the man's blindness was not due to any one's sinfulness.Jesus then put clay in the man's eyes and told him to go wash in the Pool of Siloam.The man did so and was able to see.The miracle of the man being given his sight is an example of how salvation comes through Jesus.For his entire life,the man had been living in darkness.Because of Jesus,he was able to see.This grace wasmade possible because the man obeyed what Jesus told him.Jesus offered sight to man,and the man accepted what was being offered by washing his eyes The man chose to accept the miracle offered to him and he was able to see.Jesus is freely offering salvation to all of us.It is our choice whether to accept or not.It is our choice whether  to cooperate with God's grace or not.  

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